A Fitness Odyssey with Amalie von Stein, Your Expert Fitness Dominatrix

In the pursuit of a personal transformation, the unorthodox choice of a Fitness Dominatrix became my gateway to a healthier lifestyle. Join me on this journey with Amalie von Stein, blending the worlds of fitness and domination.

When your personal trainer is also a professional dominatrix.

Does it make sense to ask a Dominatrix to become your personal trainer? Will she whip you into shape? Who will set the goals? Will she be harsh and unforgiving? With hindsight, I still don’t know why I asked Amalie von Stein to become my Personal Trainer. It turned out that it was one of the best decisions I have made in my life. Let me explain...

The first encounter: the unveiling of the Fitness Domina approach.

It was after the summer of 2021 that I asked Amalie von Stein to assist me, or actually us, as my wife was concerned about my health condition. For those of you who do not know, Amalie von Stein is not only a renown Dominatrix, but she is also an excellent Personal Trainer and a BDSM Coach. At the time I needed her personal training skills first. The summer of 2021 was a hot summer here in Europe and during the summer holiday in Greece with my wife and children it was more than 40 ̊C each and every day. I had headaches due to the heat and dehydration. Of course this was due to the extreme heat, but I also just was not fit enough to be able to enjoy the holiday.

The request from my mistress to change something.

And the bottom line was that I had been neglecting my mental and physical health. At 58, I thought I was getting old and that old age comes with its infirmities. But well, my wife, who of course had her concerns, sent me to the doctor and this visit motivated me to do what was needed and to seek help. At the time we already were playing with D/s and Femdom for a number of years and during the pandemic we started playing with the concept of a Female Led Relationship. So this led to the decision to contact Amalie von Stein to seek her help.

Navigating the dominant fitness landscape: A lesson in collaboration.

There I had made the first mistake, which was not to discuss this with my wife before I actually contacted Amalie von Stein. So after I had explained my situation to her, she asked me if my wife knew about this and the answer was no. In no uncertain terms Amalie von Stein declared that she would not work with me unless I would get the previous approval of my wife. This was a shock for me, but very logical. Mention an FLR to a dominatrix and wonder who she thinks should be in charge of the relationship? So as a first lesson learned, I humbly asked my wife to allow me to hire Amalie von Stein as my personal trainer. And generous as she is, she allowed it and after this hiccup being out of the way, our joint adventure started.

The Fitness Domina approach in action: results after two years.

As to my health, things improved rapidly. Within a few months I lost more than 10 kg, bringing me back to the weight of around 70 kg, which is the weight I had as an eighteen-year-old.
In unserer FLR war ich bereits derjenige, der gekocht hat, so dass es nicht allzu schwer war, gesündere Entscheidungen in Bezug auf die Ernährung zu treffen. Und als Personal Trainerin plant Amalie von Stein gerne ab und zu neue Übungen ein, das hilft sehr! Ausserdem treibe ich Sport und fahre mit dem Fahrrad zur Arbeit ‚et voilà‘, ich bin ein junger Gott geworden, der offen ist, das Leben mit seiner Frau zu entdecken.

Developing a dominant fitness programme: living life as an adventure.

Danach begann eine Zeit mit kleinen Optimierungen hier und da. Amalie von Stein kann das hervorragend. Man merkt es kaum, aber man bewegt sich immer weiter. Meine Frau und ich gingen mehr aus und übernachteten gemeinsam in Hotels, hatten immer den Koffer mit Spielzeug und Utensilien dabei, die wir manchmal benutzten und manchmal nicht. Wir diskutierten spielerisch die Regeln aus „The Dominant Wife Rulebook„, einfach so zum Spaß.
Long story short, I started opening up to my wife more and more. And we did amazing things, like visiting a very skilled Dominatrix in Berlin, actually one of the best in the world. And a very nice person too. The session was both confronting and eye-opening for my wife. It was a super event that we both enjoyed very much. But for her, it was also a very intense experience when she saw my vulnerable side then and there. Anyhow, we came back from Berlin with a big smile on our face.

And I haven’t mentioned London yet. Here we had this great encounter with another highly skilled Dominatrix.

Im Moment geht unsere Reise weiter. Meine Frau, die von Amalie von Stein als mein „Boss“ bezeichnet wird, hat sich von einer zögerlichen Herrin zu jemandem entwickelt, der alles erkunden will. Und damit wir uns nicht falsch verstehen, es wird zu ihren Bedingungen geschehen, und es ist, wie sie es nennt, eine Win-Win-Situation.

Unveiling the fitness dominatrix lifestyle: a mindset transformation.

Basically, my wife and I are living life as an adventure right now, enjoying every step on the way. We are grateful to Amalie von Stein, who made our journey so much more interesting and enjoyable. Her humor and enthusiasm are priceless, and in case you haven’t heard her laugh, you missed out.
On the way, she has made our FLR more about what the mistress wishes. Actually, there is no turning back for me now. What began as a little project of mine has evolved into a project led by two wonderful women who make things happen on their terms. This required a mindset transformation on my side. This is not a fantasy world where all the sub's wishes come true. It’s not for the faint-hearted. So don’t start this trajectory unless you do have strong shoulders.

Embark on your unique fitness adventure: contact your fitness dominatrix.

Wenn du bereit bist für eine Fitness-Odyssee wie keine andere, dann solltest du dich an Amalie von Stein wenden. Send her a polite message, but always remember that consultation with your partner is crucial for a joint adventure. Your unique fitness dominatrix experience is waiting for you!

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